1:1 Yoga Business Coaching

Are you ready to show up in your yoga business with the confidence and leadership skills you need to launch and grow your business AND with the tools you need to create a profitable business?

Work with Jules, Founder of The Yoga Startup and business lawyer turned business coach. She offers one-on-one, individual business coaching to help you get unstuck and more aligned in business and life. Contact her today to schedule your first coaching session.

Invest in yourself.

Invest in your yoga business.

It’s time to hit the ground running and build your wildly successful and profitable yoga business.

Apply for individual business coaching now.

Meet Jules

I’m Jules, AKA Julie, the founder of The Yoga Startup School. I’m a business lawyer, international yoga teacher, author, and business coach. I help yoga teachers, entrepreneurs, and business leaders get unstuck and inspired.

If you’re ready to learn the skills and tools you need to know after yoga teacher training to grow a wildly successful yoga business, you’re exactly where you need to be.

My mission is to help you get clarity on your yoga business dreams and to help you achieve your goals through business coaching, courses, and programs designed to put ease and peace of mind into growing a sustainable, profitable yoga business.

I’m so glad you’re here. And I can’t wait to work with you.