Passive Income is The Secret to Making Money as a Yoga Teacher

Passive income is a myth. If money for nothing was real, wouldn’t everyone be doing it?” - Code Sanchez

Yoga teachers can only work so many hours a week teaching classes. Often yoga teachers think that the secret to making more money is to add more classes to their teaching schedules.

However, teaching too many classes often leads to yoga teacher burnout.

The secret to making more money as a yoga teacher is in generating passive income. But make no mistake passive income doesn’t mean effortless income. Usually to generate passive income you have to invest in doing a lot of hard work upfront.

The thing is usually this “hard work” is omitted from the passive income equation.

For example, say you have an Airbnb rental, which effectively makes you “passive income.” However, getting your rental ready for rent is typically labor intensive. Think preparing a rental unit, shopping for linen, decorating it, interviewing and hiring maintenance and cleaning staff, and dealing with problems if you manage it yourself. Sure, the income might be passive, but you put in most, if not all, of the effort ahead of time.

The same is true in the business of yoga.

To generate passive income you have to put in the work somewhere. So, imagine you launch a yoga retreat business. Even you aren’t the person physically teaching classes at the retreat, your passive income from the retreat actually comes from your earlier investment in the project. You invested your time, energy, and money into your yoga business idea.

The secret to making real income as a yoga teacher comes from passive income.

Sure, you can make good, even great money, as a yoga teacher, especially if you teach private classes or have a niche speciality. You can also make income passively such as by teaching online yoga courses, memberships, digital products, and training bundles.

It’s not usually quick money.

Forget about get rich quick schemes. Building a reliable and real passive income stream is not usually quick money. It will take time and investment on your part, like in the form of life energy—your time.

What starts small can turn into something big.

If you consistently work to grow your yoga business passive income, you may discover that even small, humble starts can turn into something big and incredible.

So, dream up your passive income ideas and get started on them. Little by little, your dream will build as you prioritize it and put in the effort in making it come to fruition—and so will the passive yoga income.


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